Breakfast Club Prayer

Breakfast Club Prayer, November 16th, 2012

Depth of all depth; love of all love; God.

We gather early this morning to encounter Your Grace.

Stretch us.

Amaze us.

Awaken our souls so that we recognize You even in unexpected places.

We are wearing our professional labels today: director, executive, vice president, supervisor, manager, leader…

 But before we were known by these labels – you have known us, and you called us: Good.

Give us all eyes to see the good in one another as we work together in this city.

In this room: there is wisdom, intelligence, strength, talent, and power.

Inspire us to use these gifts to bring transformation in Memphis.

Give us patience as we slowly bring about change.

Gracious God, whisper your truth to our souls this morning so that we remember our purpose:  You created us to be compassionate, generous and united.

Give us strength to live in to this calling. Amen.

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